1909 Colgan's Chips Stars of the Diamond Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1909 Colgan's Chips Stars of the Diamond Baseball Card Set

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Colgan's Chips Stars of the Diamond
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
DaubertJake Daubert (Memphis) 1 0
WeismanJulius Weisman (Incorrect Photo) 0 0
SpadeBob Spade (Newark) 0 0
AdamsBabe Adams 1 0
MoriartyGeorge Moriarty (Detroit) 1 0
McLeanLarry McLean 0 0
LordHarry Lord (Boston) 0 0
FlickElmer Flick (Cleveland) 0 1
CoveleskiHarry Coveleski (Chattanooga) 0 0
TitusJohn Titus 0 0
ReillyTom Reilly (Chicago) 0 0
BeaumontGinger Beaumont (Boston) 1 0
BartleyBill Bartley (Horizontal Letters) 0 0
MoranRoy Moran 1 0
AltrockNick Altrock 0 0
RowanJack Rowan (Cincinnati) 0 0
PickeringOllie Pickering (Omaha) 0 0
HunterGeorge Hunter 0 0
RobinsonClyde Robinson 0 0
WallerJohn Waller (Jersey City) 0 0
DavisAlphonzo Davis (St. Paul) 0 0
DavisHarry Davis (Philadelphia) 1 0
GardnerLarry Gardner (New York) 0 0
TinkerJoe Tinker 1 1
ManserVernon Manser (Rochester) 0 0
FrickJimmy Frick (Toronto-Correct spell Frick) 0 0
WaddellRube Waddell (Minneapolis) 0 1
BridwellAl Bridwell 1 0
RockRoyal Rock 0 0
BeaumontGinger Beaumont (St Paul) 0 0
SullivanSuter Sullivan (Louisville) 1 0
OwensFrank Owens 0 0
WismanJulius Weisman (Correct spell Wiseman) 0 0
KelleyJoe Kelley (Correct spell Kelley) 1 1
PurtellBilly Purtell (Boston) 0 0
SparksTully Sparks (Philadelphia) 0 0
KaiserAl Kaiser 0 0
FreemanJerry Freeman (Toledo) 0 0
UnglaubBob Unglaub (Washington) 1 0
WhiteKirby White (Boston) 0 0
DoolanMickey Doolan (Correct spell Doolan) 1 0 Buy
PfiesterJake Pfeister 1 0
LindamanVive Lindaman (Boston) 0 0
SchulteWildfire Schulte 1 0
McIntyreMatty McIntyre (Chicago) 0 0
BergerHeinie Berger (Cleveland) 0 0
RyanJack Ryan 0 0
BemisHarry Bemis (Columbus) 0 0
SummersEd Summers (No White in Uniform) 1 0
BeckerBeals Becker 0 0
HooperHarry Hooper (Boston N.L.) 0 1
LaPorteFrank LaPorte (St. Louis) 0 0
RudolphDick Rudolph (New York) 0 0
SelbyOrville Selby (Large Head) 0 0
KrohRube Kroh 0 0
GasparHarry Gaspar 0 0
ElberfeldKid Elberfeld (Washington-Correct spell Elberfeld) 0 0
WilliamsOtto Williams 0 0
NelsonRed Nelson (Toledo) 0 0
EllisRube Ellis 1 0
AustinJimmy Austin (St. Louis) 0 0
CrandallDoc Crandall 0 0
BakerFrank Baker 1 1
MerrittGeorge Merritt (Buffalo) 0 0
LeliveltWilliam Lelivelt 1 0
McGinnityJoe McGinnity 0 1
SchlaflyLarry Schlafly 0 0
BirminghamJoe Birmingham 1 0
WoodruffOrville Woodruff (Louisville) 0 0
DonovanWild Bill Donovan 0 0 Buy
LakoffLakoff 0 0
SchardtBill Schardt (Birmingham) 0 0
JordanTim Jordan (Brooklyn) 1 0
CarrCharlie Carr (Indianapolis) 0 0
MoriartyBill Moriarty (Omaha) 0 0
GrimshawMoose Grimshaw (Louisville) 0 0
WiltseHooks Wiltse 0 0
ClarkeFred Clarke (Pittsburg) 1 1
FerrisHobe Ferris 0 0
MitchellMike Mitchell 1 0
DoughertyPatsy Dougherty 1 0
MeyersChief Meyer (New York) 0 0
SchirmGeorge Schirm (Birmingham) 0 0
KnightJack Knight 1 0
MaddoxNick Maddox 1 0
BrockettLew Brockett 1 0
SnodgrassFred Snodgrass 1 0
ByersBill Byers 0 0 Buy
DoyleLarry Doyle 0 0
SpadeBob Spade (Cincinnatii) 0 0
FitzgeraldMatthew Fitzgerald 0 0
McCormickMoose McCormick 0 0
BellGeorge Bell 0 0
MullinGeorge Mullin (Name Correct) 1 0
HanfordCharlie Hanford 0 0
AbbaticchioEd Abbaticchio 1 0
FlahertyPatsy Flaherty (Kansas City) 0 0 Buy
OakesRebel Oakes 1 0
BurkeJames Burke (Fort Wayne) 0 0
DemmittRay Demmett (Montreal-Correct spell Demmitt) 0 0
MurrayRed Murray (New York) 0 0
SeaboughJames Seabaugh (Look straight-Correct spell Seabough) 0 0
DevlinArt Devlin 1 0
ChaseHal Chase 1 0
McBrideGeorge McBride 0 0
HooperHarry Hooper (Boston Am. L.) 1 1
StahlJake Stahl 0 0
ClanceyBill Clancy (Correct spell Clancey) 0 0
HallaJohn Halla (Small Letters) 0 0
HollyEddie Hally (Correct spell Holly) 0 0
AbsteinBill Abstein (Pittsburg) 1 0
HahnEd Hahn 1 0
MurchSimmy Murch (Chattanooga) 0 0
HartzellRoy Hartzell (New York) 0 0
KillianEd Killian (Toronto) 0 0
OverallOrval Overall 1 0
BabbCharlie Babb (Memphis) 0 0
HulswittRudy Hulswitt (Chattanooga) 0 0
WilsonOwen Wilson (Indianapolis) 0 0
MerkleFred Merkle 1 0
PhillippeDeacon Phillipe (Correct spell Phillippe) 1 0
SeymourCy Seymour (Baltimore) 0 0
CongaltonBunk Congalton 0 0
GibsonGeorge Gibson 1 0
McConnellGeorge McConnell 0 0
ZimmermanHenie Zimmerman (Newwark) 0 0
ConroyWid Conroy 0 0
StoneGeorge Stone 1 0
CourtneyErnie Courtney 0 0
BaerwaldRudolph Baerwald 0 0
DowneyTom Downey 0 0
AdkinsDoc Adkins 0 0
GetzGus Getz (Boston) 0 0
OrthAl Orth (Indianapolis) 0 0
HofmanSolly Hofman 0 0
DunnJack Dunn 1 0
PeitzHeinie Peitz 0 0
SelbyOrville Selby (Small Head) 0 0
SmithHeinie Smith (Montreal) 0 0
SmithSid Smith (Buffalo) 0 0
PaskertDode Paskert (Cincinnati) 1 0
KilleferBill Killefer 0 0
McGinleyJim McGinley 0 0
LewisJack Lewis (Milwaukee) 0 0
FlaterJack Flater 0 0
CoveleskiHarry Coveleski (Cincinnati) 1 0
TannehillLee Tannehill (Chicago) 0 0
CrissDode Criss 0 0
BatesJohnny Bates (Cincinnati) 0 0
BartleyBill Bartley (Curved letters) 1 0
WagnerHonus Wagner (Pittsburgh, Curved Letters) 1 1
AltzerDave Altzer (Cincinnati) 0 0
JonesDavy Jones (Detroit) 1 0
PickeringOllie Pickering (Louisville) 0 0
HughesJohnny Hughes (No Name in Uniform) 0 0
SalleeSlim Sallee 0 0
RaganPat Ragan (Correct spell Ragan) 0 0
DaubertJake Daubert (Brooklyn) 0 0
RaymondBugs Raymond 1 0
GardnerLarry Gardner (Boston) 0 0
ChanceFrank Chance 1 1
MilanClyde Milan 0 0
ManserVernon Manser (Jersey City) 0 0
FlickElmer Flick (Toledo) 0 1
WaddellRube Waddell (St. Louis) 1 1 Buy
TurnerTerry Turner 0 0
JossAddie Joss 1 1
RitcheyClaude Ritchey (Louisville) 0 0
BeaumontGinger Beaumont (Chicago) 0 0
MurphyDanny Murphy (Large Head) 1 0
AmesRed Ames 1 0
RowanJack Rowan (Philadelphia) 0 0
PurtellBilly Purtell (Chicago) 1 0
JonesTom Jones 0 0
WannerClarence Wanner (Correct spell Wanner) 0 0
DelahantyFrank Delahanty 0 0
HinchmanHarry Hinchman 0 0
LindamanVive Lindaman (Louisville) 0 0
SpeakerTris Speaker (Boston Am.) 0 1
McIntyreMatty McIntyre (Detroit) 1 0
FrickFreck, Baltimore (Baltimore-Correct spell Frick) 0 0
WaddellRube Waddell (Newark) 0 1
CollinsEddie Collins 1 1 Buy
RuckerNap Rucker 0 0
BemisHarry Bemis (Cleveland) 0 0
SullivanSuter Sullivan (Omaha) 0 0
MatternAl Mattern 0 0
PaskertDode Paskert (Philadelphia) 0 0
BurkeJames Burke (Indianapolis) 0 0
RudolphDick Rudolph (Toronto) 0 0
SparksTully Sparks (Richmond) 0 0
KnabeOtto Knabe 1 0
FrommeArt Fromme 0 0
UnglaubBob Unglaub (Lincoln) 0 0
WillettEd Willett 0 0
NelsonRed Nelson (St. Louis) 0 0
EganDick Egan (Correct spell Egan) 0 0
AustinJimmy Austin (New York) 1 0
LindamanVive Lindaman (Indianapolis) 0 0
SteinfeldtHarry Steinfeldt 1 0
MerrittGeorge Merritt (Jersey City) 0 0
LeachTommy Leach 1 0
JenningsHugh Jennings 1 1
ScheckardJimmy Scheckard 1 0
BeumillerAlbert Beumiller 0 0
SummersEd Summers (White in Uniform) 1 0
BaileyBill Bailey 1 0
LaPorteFrank LaPorte (New York) 0 0
SchardtBill Schardt (Milwaukee) 1 0
LangeFrank Lange 0 0
MoriartyBill Moriarty (Louisville) 0 0
GrimshawMoose Grimshaw (Toronto) 0 0
ElberfeldKid Elberfeld (New York-Correct spell Elberfeld) 1 0
WilsonOwen Wilson (Pittsburgh) 0 0
YoungCy Young 1 1
FergusonCecil Ferguson 0 0
MillerDots Miller 0 0
RitterLou Ritter 0 0
MeyerBenny Meyer (Newark) 0 0
StreetGabby Street 0 0
SchirmGeorge Schirm (Buffalo) 0 0
JordanTim Jordan (Atlanta) 0 0
LordBris Lord 0 0
EversJohnny Evers 1 1
SinerHosea Siner 1 0
BransfieldKitty Bransfield 0 0
WoodruffOrville Woodruff (Indianapolis) 0 0
LudwigBill Ludwig (Milwaukee) 0 0
BurchAl Burch 0 0
WhiteJack White (Buffalo) 1 0
CarrCharlie Carr (Utica) 0 0
MullinGeorge Mullen (Name Incorrect) 0 0
HallaJohn Halla (Large Letters) 0 0
WoodsWalter Woods 0 0
ClarkeFred Clarke (Pittsburgh) 0 1
FieldField (Montreal) 0 0 Buy
NattressBilly Nattress 0 0
EngleClyde Engle (Boston) 0 0
DemmittRay Demmett (New York-Correct spell Demmitt) 0 0
BarryJack Barry 0 0
SeaboughJames Seabaugh (Look left-Correct spell Seabough) 0 0
LordHarry Lord (Chicago) 0 0
MatthewsBill Matthews 1 0
JordanTim Jordan (Lousiville) 0 0
SpencerTubby Spencer 0 0
CamnitzHowie Camnitz (Correct spell Camnitz) 0 0
WalkerScott Walker (Atlanta) 1 0
BaylessDick Bayless 0 0
AbbottFred Abbott 1 0
ZimmermanHeinie Zimmerman (Chicago) 1 0
MurchSimmy Murch (Indianapolis) 0 0
HartzellRoy Hartzell (St. Louis) 1 0
KillianEd Killian (Detroit) 0 0
FlahertyPatsy Flaherty (Atlanta) 0 0
OsbornFred Osborn 1 0
BergerHeinie Berger (Colombus) 0 0
HulswittRudy Hulswitt (St. Louis) 1 0
KonetchyEd Konetchy 1 0
MurrayJames Murray (St. Paul) 0 0
SeymourCy Seymour (New York) 1 0
EvansSteve Evans 1 0
HummelJohn Hummel 1 0
McCarthyJoe McCarthy 1 1
TaylorJack Taylor (Kansas City) 0 0
StansburyJohn Stansbury (Correct spell Stansbury) 0 0
ClymerBill Clymer 0 0
ReillyTom Reilly (Louisville) 0 0
AbsteinBill Abstein (Jersey City) 0 0
EngleClyde Engle (New York Am. L.) 1 0
OrthAl Orth (New York) 0 0
HenleyWeldon Henley 1 0
ReillyBarney Reilly (Chicago Am.L) 1 0
ParentFreddy Parent 0 0
BabbCharlie Babb (Norfolk) 0 0
ClarkeTom Clarke (Cincinnati) 1 0
MurphyDanny Murphy (Small Head) 0 0
OdwellFred Odwell 0 0
SmithSid Smith (Atlanta) 0 0
ReulbachEd Reulbach 0 0
BushDonie Bush 0 0
McGannDan McGann 1 0
LewisJack Lewis (Indianapolis) 0 0
BresnahanRoger Bresnahan 0 1
StovallGeorge Stovall 0 0
CravathGavvy Cravath 0 0
BatesJohnny Bates (Philadelphia-Black Letters) 1 0
HartselTopsy Hartsel 1 0
CobbTy Cobb 1 1
AltzerDave Altzer (Minneapolis) 0 0
GetzGus Getz (Indianapolis) 0 0
PickeringOllie Pickering (Minneapolis) 0 0
HowardDel Howard 0 0
LaFitteJames LaFitte 0 0
PetersonBob Peterson 0 0